Monday, December 20, 2010

Sweet Things? Elmo,Cookie Monster,Boo!(Monster Inc)

Hello! I love sweet and funny characters in cartoon like a innocent ;*
Like Elmo
Like Cookie Monster
 And Like Boo!(Monster Inc)
LOOK! She's Looked very sweet and innocent :*

Those all i wanted to posted

Saturday, December 18, 2010

middle finger

middle finger for man who hurted my heart and bitches who talk behind my back -via tumblr-

and i just wanna say that: under this words, just click the photo, and the photo will tell what's the mean ;)
everyone are don't like to be judged but, they're still judged people behind their back

just wanna told it -_-v

HELLO! kartu ucapan waktu gue ultah yg ke 13 ini adl kartu yg gue suka :D lucuu bgt nih dari tsamara ;* ada juga yg lucu bgt tuh dari dinda, ama punya dita oke tapi sayangnya hilang -_- hoho! thank's tsamara, although that's just greeting card :*

Monday, December 13, 2010

getting bored!

hellaw there! ;) i don't know what should i do tonight, blogging aja lumayan memperbanyak post hehehe, sorry if u think this is useless^^v maybe some people are already asleep, i can't sleep bcs i have to wait msn from ma boyfriend -_- he'll online at 10 pm T_T maybe i've asleep at ten o'clock later, tonight i jst listening to the music :D gue pikir denger lagu yang tenang malem2 gini kyk lagu dari owl city atau lagu2 acoustic yg tenang mislnya dari secondhand serenade enak hoho~ oh hell~,~ imma sleepy-_- okay i'll sign up! b-byeee


okay, allow me to tell somethin' that not important ;) this is ma new blog, are unavailable anymore and imma lazy to setting those blogs bcs those blogs filled so jejemon -_-v forget!;D k! i jst wanted to tell that ;D b-bye *h5*